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We take you in a life-changing journey— a culinary paradise in Tunisia and Sicily. Not only will you taste delightful foods in the Mediterranean, but also you will learn about their culinary history and the established cultural identity in the region. Couscous will tell you much about Tunisia and Sicily and the strong ties between these two regions. This course takes you to a culinary journey from North Africa to southern Italy to understand how food culture has always been shaped by immigration and exchange. You will learn about the centuries-old mattanza, the harvest of giant tuna and traditional Favignana ways of preparing and preserving seafood, including Sicilian ways with couscous: cuscus alla Trapanese or cuscus di pesce and Cous Cous Fest in San Vita Lo Capo. Digging into Sicily’s migrant landscape, we use food to discuss topics relating to personal and collective migrant identity, adaptation, adjustment and amalgamation. Some of the practical aspects of this course include: a hands-on culinary workshop, guest speakers from the fields of sustainable fishing and the restaurant industry, a workshop with Ftartchi, a practical research project in which students design their own Mediterranean-style diet to apply abroad, and more.

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