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Post-revolutionary Tunisia is the ideal place to study LGBTIQ++ community’s activism in North Africa towards a total claim of their human rights. Social and political change in the region is followed by a fierce struggle form key groups and minorities against numerous forms of systemic discrimination and stigmatization. You will learn about their movements for a more just legal framework, and constant calls for sex and gender education, trans issues, human rights and health. This course, you will examine the intersection of gender and sexuality with race, class, and religion in a Muslim country. Meet with activists, academics, and professional sex workers and visit key associations working on LGBTQ++ community like CHOUF Minorities Mawjoudin (we exist), DAMJ, OUTCASTS. In your field trip, you will visit the Tunisian Sexual and Reproductive Health Association (ATSR) which was established in 1968 and still work to facilitate access to Study with Us and provide information and education on sexual and reproductive health without any discrimination. The course will be of special interest for students from the fields of human rights, gender and sexuality studies, anthropology, feminist activism, and Sexual and Reproductive Rights.

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